i am currently the organisation, finance and production mod of next to you: a persona 2 fanzine! this zine is for profit and will be physically printed. our applications recently closed, so please look forward to more updates!
emptiness joy: an izuru kamukura zine is my baby! i was the head mod and was in charge of organisation, graphics, marketing and social media, finance and shipping and a bunch of other general roles. i also created several artworks for the zine and its social media. some day i'll make a dedicated page archiving as much of it as i'm able to but that day isn't today! this zine was for charity, and the profits will be going to the brain trauma foundation. we've currently been having some delays with international mailing, but i'll update when the donation has been made.
i was the graphics mod of recipe for despair: a danganronpa cookbook zine! i filled in halfway through the project to fill in for the previous mod who had to drop out and i created entirely new graphics to promote the artists and chefs. i'm really proud of my work for this zine, even if i was just doing a favour for a friend. this zine was for profit.
urban dead, brainz, immortal night, torn, bloodletting, beyondmafia etc.